wool pile weatherstripping

wool pile weatherstripping

Weatherstripping can be defined as the process of ensuring that openings on trunks, windows, and doors are sealed to block the escape and entry of air and other elements. The term is also often used when referring to the materials used for the process.


Pile weatherstripping, on the other hand, is used when providing sealing on storm windows and doors. It is gaining a lot of popularity because it can be trimmed to different lengths to meet different requirements in different homes.

Different types of pile weatherstripping can be used to make your home winter-ready and prevent the loss of regulated air. The most common one is wool pile weatherstripping. It is made up of atactic polypropylene that comes with fiber with silicone and film synthesis.


It also comes with a unique design that can be applied to vacuum cleaners, furniture, windows, and doors. This is one of the characteristics that make wool pile weatherstripping the best type of weatherstripping for high-quality products.


What Does Pile Weatherstripping Do?

Pile weatherstripping plays a very crucial role when it comes to energy saving, airtightness, as well as water-tightness in plastic and steel windows and doors.


The sealing strip used in pile weatherstripping serves different requirements and functions but in all of them, it comes with aging resistance, good elasticity, tensile length, and good temperature resistance. These are features that are very important for good weatherstripping in homes.


In addition, the cross-section of the sealing strip comes in a structural size that matches the different requirements of the plastic and steel doors and windows.


The wooden types of strips are used when sealing the spaces between fans and frames. They are used on the sealing bridge, on the frame fan, and in the sash of windows.


The main purpose of weatherstripping is to make sure that homes are warm during the cold season or cool during summer when the weather is very hot. This makes sure that homes are comfortable.

Choosing Pile Weatherstripping

One of the most challenging things for homeowners is to make sure that they have chosen the right pile weatherstripping for their homes.

This is because the size and specification are among the factors that have an impact on the performance of sliding windows and doors, the closing and opening force of the windows and doors, and their water tightness.

If you choose a wool pile whose height is big or high, it gets quite difficult for one to assemble and increases the moving resistance of windows and doors. This can be seen in the resistance experienced when closing and opening the windows and doors.

On the other hand, choosing small specifications or piles with reduced height brings a lot of complications when weatherstripping your windows and doors. To start with, it reduces the performance of the window and door sealing.

It, therefore, means that you need to be careful when choosing pile weatherstripping for your homes. You need to look at the size of the pile and make sure that it meets the requirements of your windows and doors.

You also need to make sure that the wool pile is silicified and its quality is good. The vertical and bottom hair should be smooth with no bends and pitting on the bottom. These are the most important things to look at when choosing the right pile weatherstripping.

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Company: Sichuan Jiayueda Building Materials Co., Ltd.
Contact: grace Lee
Email: gracelee@jyd-buildingmaterials.com
WhatsApp: +86 173 4579 3501

Post time: Jun-08-2022